Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

medial plantar artery (pair)

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
Level 2 arterial system Short Extended
Level 3 arteries of lower limb (pair) Short Extended
Current level medial plantar artery (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
43925 4401 tax
medial plantar artery (pair)
arteria plantaris medialis (par)
43934 4402 tax
deep branch (pair)
ramus profundus (par)
43933 4403 tax
superficial branch (pair)
ramus superficialis (par)
15752 tax
tibial proper plantar digital artery of great toe (pair)
arteria digitalis plantaris propria hallucis tibialis (par)
4 lines
100.0 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4401
Number of children 11 (validated)
Number of units 4 (validated)
Signature 22422 (validated since 16.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025